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Google Summer of Code 2018

In the following we shortly present the open source frameworks that are participating for this year's Google Summer of Code. This can be useful if you would like to propose your own topic.

Organization page.

For the proposed topics see section further below.

For Q/A check out our gitter page.



pracmln is a toolbox for statistical relational learning (SRL) and reasoning and as such also includes tools for standard probabilistic graphical models. pracmln is an implementation of Markov logic networks (MLN) that supports efficient learning and inference in relational domains. Its learning and inference engines are entirely written in the Python programming language. Markov logic networks generalize both first-order logic and probabilistic graphical models and have proven successful in many real-world applications such as natural-language understanding and robot perception. This makes MLNs one of the most general and most powerful representation formalisms for uncertain knowledge.

pracmln was designed with the particular needs of technical systems in mind. Our methods are geared towards practical applicability and can easily be integrated into other applications. The availability of graphical tools makes both learning or inference sessions a user-friendly experience. Scripting support enables automation, and a browser-based web application is intended for teaching and getting familiar with MLNs.

pracmln is an open-source project hosted on GitHub. It has its own project page ( that provides extensive documentation and tutorials that facilitate getting started with MLNs. It is provided as a pip package in the Python package index (PyPI).

RoboSherlock -- Framework for Cognitive Perception

RoboSherlock is a common framework for cognitive perception, based on the principle of unstructured information management (UIM). UIM has proven itself to be a powerful paradigm for scaling intelligent information and question answering systems towards real-world complexity (i.e. the Watson system from IBM). Complexity in UIM is handled by identifying (or hypothesizing) pieces of structured information in unstructured documents, by applying ensembles of experts for annotating information pieces, and by testing and integrating these isolated annotations into a comprehensive interpretation of the document.

RoboSherlock builds on top of the ROS ecosystem and is able to wrap almost any existing perception algorithm/framework, and allows easy and coherent combination of the results of these. The framework has a close integration with two of the most popular libraries used in robotic perception, namely OpneCV and PCL. More details about RoboSherlock can be found on the project webpage.

openEASE -- Web-based Robot Knowledge Service

OpenEASE is a generic knowledge database for collecting and analyzing experiment data. Its foundation is the KnowRob knowledge processing system and ROS, enhanced by reasoning mechanisms and a web interface developed for inspecting comprehensive experiment logs. These logs can be recorded for example from complex CRAM plan executions, virtual reality experiments, or human tracking systems. OpenEASE offers interfaces for both, human researchers that want to visually inspect what has happened during a robot experiment, and robots that want to reason about previous task executions in order to improve their behavior.

The OpenEASE web interface as well as further information and publication material can be accessed through its publicly available website. It is meant to make complex experiment data available to research fields adjacent to robotics, and to foster an intuition about robot experience data.

RobCoG - Robot Commonsense Games

RobCoG (Robot Commonsense Games) is a framework consisting of various open source games and plugins ( written in the Unreal Engine with the intention of collecting and equipping robots with commonsense and naive physics knowledge. Various Game prototypes are created where users are asked to execute kitchen related tasks. During gameplay developed game plugins automatically collecting symbolic and sub-symbolic data. The automatically annotated data is then stored in the web-based knowledge service openEASE. This allows robots to access it and reason about it.

The games are split into two categories: (1) VR/Full Body Tracking with physics based interactions, where data as close as possible to reality is collected. The users are immersed in a virtual environment and are asked to perform tasks using natural movements. (2) FPS style, web-based games, where the users interact with objects using a keyboard and mouse. This allows for easy crowdsourcing capabilities since these games could be run from a browser ( The data will be less precise for more low level learning, however still valuable at a more higher level (e.g. positioning of objects, the order of executing actions etc.).

Proposed Topics

In the following, we list our proposals for the Google Summer of Code topics that contribute to the aforementioned open-source projects.

Topic 1: Markov logic networks in Python

Main Objective: The current implementation of pracmln is entirely written in pure Python. The main objective of this project is to port the computationally heavy parts of the learning and inference algorithms to Cython, an extension to Python that allows static compilation of Python modules to C libraries. Cython allows to add static type declarations to Python, which can significantly speed up execution (up to a factor of 1000 compared to regular Python code).

As most of the Python libraries for machine learning and scientific computing (e.g. scikit-learn, numpy) make use of static compilation, it is expected that the practical applicability of Markov logic networks will substanially be pushed to more demanding real-world scenarios.

Task Difficulty: There is alreay a high-quality code base, however, solving this task properly requires understanding and experience in gradient-based optimization, machine learning and logics.

Requirements: Good programming skills in the Python programming language (CPython/Cython), experience in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (ideally SRL technques and logic). Knowledge about C/C++ will be very helpful.

Expected Results: The core components of pracmln, i.e. the learning and inference modules are expected to be ported to the Cython language exploiting the means of implementational optimization provided by Cython.

Contact: Daniel Nyga

Remarks: If you have questions about this project in advance, about your application, qualification or ways to get started, please post your question in the pracmln gitter chat. Personal e-mails will not be answered.

Topic 2: Flexible perception pipeline manipulation for RoboSherlock

Main Objective: RoboSherlock is based on the unstructured information management paradigm and uses the uima library at it's core. The c++ implementation of this library is limited multiple ways. In this topic you will develop a module in order to flexibly manage perception pipelines by extending the current implementation to enable new modalities and run pipelines in parallel. This involves implementing an API for pipeline and data handling that is rooted in the domain of UIMA.

Task Difficulty: The task is considered to be of medium difficulty.

Requirements: Good programming skills in C++ and basic knowledge of CMake and ROS. Experience with PCL, OpenCV is prefered.

Expected Results: an extension to RoboShelrock that allows splitting and joingin pipelines, executing them in parallel, merging results from multiple types of cameras etc.

Assignement: In order to be considered for this topic you need to solve a short programming assignement described here

e-mail: Ferenc Bálint-Benczédi

chat: gitter

Topic 3: Unreal - ROS 2 Integration

Since ROS2 has cross platform support, it would be of a great advantage to wrap it as a module in the Unreal Engine framework. This would greatly improve communication between our RobCoG modules and the ROS world. As a further step the module should be extended to work under Linux as well. This can be done using the unreal build system (UBT).

Task Difficulty: The task is to be placed in the medium difficulty level, as it requires programming skills of various frameworks (ROS, Linux, Unreal Engine).

Requirements: Good programming skills in C++. Good knowledge of the Unreal Engine API. Experience with ROS, ROS 2, c++ library linkage in Unreal Engine.

Expected Results We expect to have an integrated communication level with ROS 2 and Unreal Engine on Windows and Linux side.

Contact: Andrei Haidu

Chat: Gitter

Topic 4: Unreal Editor User Interface Development

For this topic we would like to extend the modules from RobCoG with intuitive Unreal Engine Editor Panels. This would allow easier and faster manipulation/visualization of various parameters.

Task Difficulty: The task is to be placed in the easy difficulty level, as it only requires familiarity with the SLATE framework from Unreal Engine.

Requirements: Good programming skills in C++. Good knowledge of the Unreal Engine API. Experience with the SLATE framework.

Expected Results We expect to have intuitive Unreal Engine UI Panels for editing, visualizing various RobCoG plugins data and features.

Contact: Andrei Haidu

Chat: Gitter

Topic 5: Unreal - openEASE Live Connection

For this topic we would like to create a live connection between openEASE and RobCoG. A user should be able to connect to openEASE from the Unreal Engine Editor and perform various queries. For example to verify if the items from the Unreal Engine world are present in the ontology of the robot. It should be able to upload new data directly from the editor.

Task Difficulty: The task is to be placed in the medium difficulty level, as it required knowledge of various frameworks/libraries (Unreal Engine, openEASE, c++ websocket communication)

Requirements: Good programming skills in C++. Good knowledge of the Unreal Engine API. Experience with c++ websocket based communication.

Expected Results We expect to have a live connection with between openEASE and the Unreal Engine editor.

Contact: Andrei Haidu, Asil Kaan Bozcuoğlu

Chat: Gitter

Topic 6: CRAM -- Visualizing Robot's Simulation World in RViz

Main Objective: CRAM includes a fast simulation engine for developers to test their newly written plans and for robots to try out different parameters of an action before executing it in the real world. Currently, the world is only visualized using raw OpenGL rendering. The objective of this topic is to visualize the robot's simulation world in the ROS visualization tool RViz, including the state of the robot itself, the objects surrounding it and the reasoning processes involved in action execution.

Task Difficulty: The task itself is simple assuming good understanding of ROS principles and basic knowledge of RViz. To that the challenge of learning a small chuck of an existing system (CRAM) is added. So overall task difficulty is considered to be medium.


  • Familiarity with functional programming paradigms: some functional programming experience is a requirement (preferred language is Lisp but Haskel, Scheme, OCaml, Clojure, Scala or similar will do);
  • Experience with ROS (Robot Operating System).

Expected Results: We expect operational and robust contributions to the source code of the existing robot control system including documentation.

Contact: Gayane Kazhoyan

Topic 7: Robot simulation in Unreal Engine with PhysX

Main Objective: The objective of the project is to enable physically enabled simulation of robots in Unreal Engine using PhysX.

Task Difficulty: The task is to be placed in the hard difficulty level, as it requires programming skills of various frameworks (Unreal Engine, PhysX), expertise in robotic simulation and physics engines.

Requirements: Good programming skills in C++. Good knowledge of the Unreal Engine and PhysX API. Experience in robotics and robotic simulation is a plus.

Expected Results We expect to be able to simulate robots in unreal, have support and able to control standard joints.

Contact: Andrei Haidu

Chat: Gitter

Prof. Dr. hc. Michael Beetz PhD
Head of Institute

Contact via
Andrea Cowley
assistant to Prof. Beetz

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