Prof. Dr. Michael Lawo
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Professor |
Tel: | –49 -421 218 64002 | ||
Fax: | –49 -421 218 64047 | ||
Room: | TAB 1.90 | ||
Mail: | mlawo(at)cs[dot]uni-bremen[dot]de | ||
Prof. Dr. Michael Lawo is with the Centre for Computing and Communication Technologies (TZI) at the Universität Bremen since 2004. He is professor for applied computer science and was till his retirement in late 2016 member of the TZI board of directors, managing director of the artificial intelligent group, manager of EC funded projects, and general manager of neusta mobile solutions. He now consults the team of Michael Beetz, funding and research organizations as different companies and startups. He was the CEO of a group of SME in the IT domain from 1999 till 2003 with a focus on the development and marketing of virtual reality simulators for surgeons; from 1996 to 2000 he was CEO of an IT consulting firm and from 1991 to 1995 top manager information systems with a large technology company. Michael Lawo was consultant before joining the Nuclear Research Centre in Karlsruhe (now KIT) from 1987 to 1991 as head of the industrial robotics department. He is a 1975 graduate of Ruhr Universität Bochum, received his PhD from Universität Essen in 1981 and became professor there in 1992. He is author, co-author and co-publisher of nine books and more than 200 papers on numerical methods and computer applications also in healthcare, optimization, IT-security and wearable computing.
- Duan, Lin-Tao, Lawo, M., Wang, Zhiguo, Wang, Hai-Ying. Human Lower Limb Motion Capture and Recognition Based on Smartphones, Sensors 22(14):5273, DOI:10.3390/s22145273
- Jonsdottir J, Perini G, Ascolese A, Bowman T, Montesano A, Lawo M, Bertoni R. Unilateral arm rehabilitation for persons with multiple sclerosis using serious games in a virtual reality approach: Bilateral treatment effect? Mult Scler Relat Disord. 2019 Jul; 35 76-82. doi:10.1016/j.msard.2019.07.010. PMID: 31352180.
- Heng Zhang, Jan Smeddinck, Rainer Malaka, Yao Shu, Chong Chen, Bo He, Zengjun Fu, Michael Lawo, Wireless non-invasive motion tracking of functional behavior, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Volume 54, 2019, 29-44, ISSN 1574-1192,
- Jonsdottir, J., Bertoni, R., Lawo, M., Montesano, A., Bowman, T., & Gabrielli, S. (2018). Serious games for arm rehabilitation of persons with multiple sclerosis. A randomized controlled pilot study. Multiple sclerosis and related disorders, 19, 25-29.
- Lawo, M., & Knackfuß, P. (Eds.). (2018). Clinical Rehabilitation Experience Utilizing Serious Games: Rehabilitation Technology and a Technical Concept for Health Data Collection. Springer.
- Ellßel, M., Knackfuß, P., & Lawo, M. (2018). Intuitive Interaction - Experiences with User Groups. In Clinical Rehabilitation Experience Utilizing Serious Games (pp. 163-189). Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden.
- Iben, H., Khan, A. M., & Lawo, M. (2018). Hardware and Software for Solving the Serious Game Challenge Using Commercial Off-the-Shelf Components and Open Source Software Frameworks. In Clinical Rehabilitation Experience Utilizing Serious Games (pp. 51-78). Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden.
- Lawo, M., & Knackfuß, P. (2018). Wearable and Pervasive Computing for Healthcare and Towards Serious Games - An Introduction. In Clinical Rehabilitation Experience Utilizing Serious Games (pp. 1-29). Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden.
- Lawo, M., & Knackfuß, P. (2018). Reference Rehabilitation Platform for Serious Games – The Rehab@Home Project. In Clinical Rehabilitation Experience Utilizing Serious Games (pp. 1-29). Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden.
- Khan, A. M., & Lawo, M. (2018). Recognizing Emotional States - An Approach Using Physiological Devices. In Clinical Rehabilitation Experience Utilizing Serious Games (pp. 215-236). Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden.
- Brending, S., Lawo, M., Pannek, J., Sprodowski, T., Zeising, P., & Zimmermann, D. (2017). Certifiable Software Architecture for Human Robot Collaboration in Industrial Production Environments. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50(1), 1983-1990.
- Chen, D., & Lawo, M. (2017). Smart Textiles and Smart Personnel Protective Equipment. In Smart Textiles (pp. 333-357). Springer International Publishing. Eds.: Schneegass, S., & Amft, O. (2017). Smart Textiles: Fundamentals, Design, and Interaction. Springer.
- Duan, L. T., Lawo, M., Rügge, I., & Yu, X. (2017). Power Management of Smartphones Based on Device Usage Patterns. In Dynamics in Logistics (pp. 197-207). Springer International Publishing.
- Kang, Y., Chen, D. Y., Lawo, M., & Xia Hou, S. J. (2017). A Wearable Swallowing Detecting Method Based on Nanometer Materials Sensor. In Advances in Science and Technology (Vol. 100, pp. 120-129). Trans Tech Publications.
- Abdo, A., Edelkamp, S., & Lawo, M. (2016, November). Nested Rollout Policy Adaptation for optimizing vehicle selection in complex VRPs. In Local Computer Networks Workshops (LCN Workshops), 2016 IEEE 41st Conference on (pp. 213-221). IEEE.
- Ahlrichs, C., Samà, A., Lawo, M., Cabestany, J., Rodríguez-Martín, D., Pérez-López, C., … & Browne, P. (2016). Detecting freezing of gait with a tri-axial accelerometer in Parkinson’s disease patients. Medical & biological engineering & computing, 54(1), 223-233.
- Brending, S., Khan, A. M., Lawo, M., Müller, M., & Zeising, P. (2016, September). Reducing anxiety while interacting with industrial robots. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (pp. 54-55). ACM.
- Brown, K., Dahl, D., Degani, A., Rudnicky, A., van Over, B., Lawo, M., & Shmueli-Friedland, Y. (2016). Design of multimodal mobile interfaces. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
- Edelkamp, S., Gath, M., Greulich, C., Humann, M., Herzog, O., & Lawo, M. (2016). Monte-Carlo tree search for logistics. In Commercial Transport (pp. 427-440). Springer, Cham.
- Khan, A. M., & Lawo, M. (2016). From Physiological data to Emotional States: Conducting a User Study and Comparing Machine Learning Classifiers. Sensors & Transducers, 201(6), 77-88.
- Khan, A. M., & Lawo, M. (2016, July). Recognizing Emotional States Using Physiological Devices. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 164-171). Springer International Publishing.
- Khan, A. M., & Lawo, M. (2016). Recognizing Emotion from Blood Volume Pulse and Skin Conductance Sensor Using Machine Learning Algorithms. In XIV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2016 (pp. 1297-1303). Springer, Cham.
- Khan, A. M., & Lawo, M. (2016, September). Developing a System for Recognizing the Emotional States Using Physiological Devices. In Intelligent Environments (IE), 2016 12th International Conference on (pp. 48-53). IEEE.
- Ali Mehmood Khan, Michael Lawo: Wearable Recognition System for Emotional States Using Physiological Devices. eTELEMED 2016; 04/2016
- Michael Lawo, Robert K. Logan and Edna Pasher (2016). Wearable Computing - The Context Challenge and a Media Ecology Approach; in Design of Multimodal Mobile Interfaces, Eds. Nava Shaked and Ute Winter, de Gruyter, April 2016
- Claas Ahlrichs, Albert Samà, Michael Lawo, Joan Cabestany, Daniel Rodríguez-Martín, Carlos Pérez-López, Dean Sweeney, et al. (2015): Detecting freezing of gait with a tri-axial accelerometer in Parkinson’s disease patients; Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing ISSN 0140-0118 Med Biol Eng Comput; DOI 10.1007/s11517-015-1395-3, 2015.
- Claas Ahlrichs, Albert Sam, Joan Cabestany, Michael Lawo, Carlos Prez-Lpez, Daniel Rodrguez-Martn, Sheila Alcaine, Berta Mestre, Paula Quispe, Alberto Costa, Ilenia Mazz, Hadas Lewy, Angels Bayes, Timothy Counihan, Alejandro Rodrguez-Molinero (2015). Real-world continuous monitoring of tremor in Parkinsons Disease: a study with 92 patients wearing a wrist-worn accelerometer, Article · Jan 2015 · IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
- D. Boger and J. Pannek and M. Lawo (2015). Interaktive Schutzbekleidung für industrielle Arbeitsumgebungen. In S. Dieffenbach and N. Henze and M. Pielot (Eds.) Mensch und Computer. 323-326.
- Stefan Edelkamp, Max Gath, Christoph Greulich, Malte Humann, Otthein Herzog, and Michael Lawo. Monte-Carlo Tree Search in Logistics. In Uwe Clausen, Hanno Friedrich, Carina Thaller, Christiane Geiger (Eds), Commercial Transport, Springer, 2015, 427-440
- Stefan Edelkamp, Max Gath, Christoph Greulich, Malte Humann, Otthein Herzog, Michael Lawo. Monte-Carlo Tree Search for Production and Logistics. International Conference on Production, Logistics and Traffic (ICPLT), Dortmund, 2015.
- Gottfried, B., Aghajan, H., Wong, K. B. Y., Augusto, J. C., Guesgen, H. W., Kirste, T., & Lawo, M. (2015). Spatial health systems. In Smart Health (pp. 41-69). Springer, Cham.
- Khan, A. M., & Lawo, M. (2015). Recognizing Physical Activities using Wearable Devices. In Handbook of Research on Innovations in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Dementia (pp. 362-381). IGI Global.
- Ali Mehmood Khan and Michael Lawo: Recognizing Physical Activities using Wearable Devices; In Handbook of Research on Innovations in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Dementia; DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8234-4.ch019 igi global Copyright © 2015, 20 pages.
- Kirisci, P. T., Pannek, J., Ghrairi, Z., Thoben, K. D., & Lawo, M. (2015). Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration in cyber-physischen Arbeitsumgebungen. Industrie Management, 31(1), 43-47.
- Michael Lawo, Peter Knackfuß, Zvika Popper (2015): Measuring organisational acceptance of a computer game based system for home rehabilitation; Research Gate, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1032.6249.
- Zeising, P., Brending, S., Lawo, M. & Pannek, J., (2015). Sichere Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration durch Prädiktion. In: Diefenbach, S., Henze, N. & Pielot, M. (Hrsg.), Mensch und Computer 2015 – Proceedings. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg. (S. 371-374).
- Ahlrichs, C., & Lawo, M. (2014). MOSIS: An Open Source Framework for Signal Processing and Machine Learning. Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR).
- Ahlrichs, C., Iben, H., & Lawo, M. (2014). Context-Aware Mobile and Wearable Device Interfaces. Recent Advances in Ambient Intelligence and Context-Aware Computing, 308.
- Chen, D., Lawo, M., Zhang, Y., Zhang, T., Gu, Y., & Chen, D. (2014, September). A smart scarf for pulse signal monitoring using a flexible pressure nanosensor. In Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers: Adjunct Program (pp. 237-242). ACM.
- Chen, D., Zhang, T., Lawo, M., Gu, Y., Zhang, Y., & Chen, D. (2014, September). A smart scarf for pulse signal monitoring using a flexible pressure nanosensor. In Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers: Adjunct Program (pp. 237-242). ACM.
- Björn Gottfried, Hamid Aghajan, Kevin Bing-Yung Wong, Juan Carlos Augusto, Hans Werner Guesgen, Thomas Kirste, Michael Lawo: Spatial health systems - When humans move around. In: Andreas Holzinger, Martina Ziefle, and Carsten Roecker Smart Health. State of the Art. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 8700, Heidelberg, Berlin, New York: Springer, 2014.
- Khan, A. M., & Lawo, M. (2014). Wearable Recognition System for Sports Activities. In The Sixth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine.
- Ali Mehmood Khan, Michael Lawo: Wearable Recognition System for Sports Activities; eTELEMED 2014 : The Sixth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine Copyright © IARIA, 2014. ISBN: 978-1-61208-327-8, March, 2014, Barcelona, Spain.
- M. Lawo, S. Gabrielli, L. Pannese, G. Bo: Rehab@Home: Ein EU Projekt zur nachhaltigen Rehabilitation mittels „Serious Games“, 7. AAL Kongress, 2014
- M. Lawo: Neue Arbeitsformen dank Google Glass? – In Proceedings Wetzlarer Herbsttagung Neue Optikfertigung, 24.9.2014, Wetzlar, Germany.
- M. Lawo: Wearable Computing und Google Glass - Alles nur eine Frage des Marketing? In J. Sieck (Hrsg.) Wireless Communication and Innformation – Digitale Gesellschaft, Verlag Werner Hülsbusch, 2014 ISBN 978-3-86488-071-1 pp115-121.
- M. Modzelewski, M. Lawo: Function-oriented Inclusive Design. – FedCSIS Position papers of the 2014 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems pp. 283–289 DOI: 10.15439/2014F36
- C. Ahlrichs, M. Lawo: Parkinson’s Disease Motor Symptoms in Machine Learning: A Review, Health Informatics- An International Journal (HIIJ) Vol.2,No.4,November 2013
- C. Ahlrichs, M. Lawo: Indicating Motor Symptoms in PD Patients Using AI-based Algorithms, in Proceedings of the ICTMH Workshop 19.-20.03.2013, Bremen.
- P. Hoffmann, M. Lawo: AAP- Ambient Assisted Protection – Von der klassischen Arbeitssicherheit zur intelligenten Arbeitssicherheitsassistenz. In J. Sieck (Hrsg.), Verlag Werner Hülsbusch, 2013 ISBN 978-3-86488-029-2
- P. Hoffmann, M. Lawo, B. Schindler, N. Duden: A (hyper-)video based system for multiuser presentations in special exhibitions, “Museums and the Web 2013”
- Ali Mehmood Khan, Michael Lawo: Recognizing Physical Activities by Wearable Computing; NetMed’13, August 2013; Beijing, China
- Ali Mehmood Khan, M. Lawo, H. Papadopoulos: Wearable Recognition System for Physical Activities; IE’13, July 2013, Athens, Greece.
- Ali Mehmood Khan, G. Kalkbrenner, M. Lawo: Recognizing Physical Training Exercises Using the Axivity Device, in Proceedings of the ICTMH Workshop 19.-20.03.2013, Bremen.
- G. Kalkbrenner, A. Mehmood Khan, M. Lawo: Activity Recognition using Wearable Computing and Ambient Computing, in Proceedings of the ICTMH Workshop 19.-20.03.2013, Bremen.
- M. Lawo: VICON – Virtual User Concept for Inclusive Design of Consumer Products and User Interfaces - In Research for Independent Ageing – User modeling and context-sensitive services, April 26th, 2013, Bonn, Germany.
- M. Lewandowski, M. Gath, D. Werthmann, M. Lawo: Agent-based Control for Material Handling Systems in In-House Logistics, in Proceedings of the Smart SysTech 2013, 11.-12.06.2013, Erlangen/Nuremberg, IEEEXplore® Digital Library.
- Matiouk, S., Modzelewski, M., Mohamad, Y., Lawo, M., Kirisci, P., Klein, P., Fennell, A.,: Prototype of a Virtual User Modeling Software Framework for Inclusive Design of Consumer Products and User Interfaces; HCI International 2013, 24 July 2013, Las Vegas, USA.
- M. Modzelewski, M. Lawo, P. Kirisci, J. O’Connor, A. Fennell, Y. Mohamad, S. Matiouk, M. Valle-Klann, H. Gökmen: Including User Needs in Product Development, in Proceedings of the ICTMH Workshop 19.-20.03.2013, Bremen.
- Modzelewski, M., Lawo, M., Mohamad, Y., Matiouk, S.: Application of abstract user models as customer involvement in product development, In Proceedings of the W3C User Modelling for Accessibility symposium, pp. 201-206, 2013
- L. Pannese, G. Bo, M. Lawo, S. Gabrielli: The Rehab@Home Project: Engaging Game-based Home Rehabilitation for Improved Quality of Life, Proceedings of SEGAMED 2013, 12.-14.09.2013 Nice, France.
- C. Ahlrichs, D. Kohlsdorf, G. Kalkbrenner and M. Lawo, IT-ASSIST: Entwicklung eines IT-gestützten Assistenzsystems für ältere Menschen, 5. AAL Kongress, Berlin 24-25.1.2012, Poster 18.
- D. Wenig, T. Nulpa, R. Malaka, M. Lawo, „An Evaluation of Peephole Interaction with Panoramic Photographs for Pedestrian Navigation“, GI Zeitgeist 2012, - Proceedings of the Young Researchers Forum on Geographic Information Science, Vol. 44 (March 2012), pp. 23-32.
- P.T. Kirisci, K.-D. Thoben, P. Klein, M. Hilbig, M. Modzelewski, M. Lawo, u.a., „Supporting Inclusive Design of Mobile Devices with a Context Model“, in InTech Open Science, published online 30.03.2012 – ISBN 978-953-51-0432-2
- B. Krieg-Brückner, D. Crombie, B. Gersdorf, A. Jüptner, M. Lawo, C. Mandel, A. B .Martínez, T. Röfer, C. Stahl: Challenges for Indoor and Outdoor Mobility Assistance, 5. AAL Kongress, Berlin 24.-25.1.2012, Paper 8.5.
- T. Fiddian, C. Bowden, M. Magennis, A. Fennell, J. O’Connor, P.T. Kirisci, Y. Mohamad, M. Lawo, “An end user and environment field study for an inclusive design of consumer products, Proceedings of 2011 HCI International, 2011.
- P. Hoffmann, H. Baumann and M. Lawo, “Entwicklung eines Testverfahrens für Datenbrillen.” Tagungsband BAuA Workshop: Datenbrillen – Aktueller Stand von Forschung und Umsetzung sowie zukünftiger Entwicklungsrichtungen, Dortmund, June 20, 2011, S. 12-18
- P. Hoffmann, M. Lawo and G. Kalkbrenner, “Zur Ästhetik interaktiver Medien – Hypervideo im Spannungsfeld zwischen Usability und Design,” in EVA - Elektronische Medien & Kunst, Kultur, Historie, Kulturforum Potsdamer Platz, Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin, Nov. 9-11, 2011.
- P. Hoffmann and M. Lawo, „HyPE – Hypervideo als Hilfsmittel zur Virtualisierung von Ausstellungen“ in J. Sieck (Hrsg.): Kultur und Informatik: Multimediale Systeme, Verl. W. Hülsbusch, Boizenburg: 189-200 (2011)
- P. Hoffmann, M. Lund and M. Lawo (Hrsg.): „1. Workshop „fim – future interactive media“ Medien werden … dynamisch … interaktiv … proaktiv“, Bremen 23.8.2011, TZI Technical Report 63
- S. Kiefer, J. Rauch, R. Albertoni, M. Attene, F. Giannini, S. Marini, L. Schneider, C. Mesquita, X. Xing, M. Lawo, “The CHRONIOUS Ontology-Driven Search Tool: enabling access to focused and up-to-date healthcare literature”; accepted for eChallenge 2011, Florence 26.-28.9.2011.
- M. Lawo, T. Warden, D. Uckelmann and D. Werthmann, „Verknüpfung virtueller und realer Logistikkomponenten – Ein Ansatz für Forschungsumgebungen in der Logistik“, In Industrie Management 28, pp.45-48 (2012)
- M. Lawo and H. Witt, „Evaluation der Interaktion beim Wearable Computing“, in B. Robben and H. Schelhowe (Hrsg.): Be-greifbare Interaktionen: Der allgegenwärtige Computer: Touchscreens, Wearables, Tangibles und Ubiquitous Computing, [transcript] Verlag, 2012, S. 235-252.
- M. Modzelewski, M. Lawo, P. Kirisci, J. o’Connor, A. Fennell, Y. Mohamad, S. Matiouk, M. Valle-Klann, H. Gökmen: Creative Design for Inclusion Using Virtual User Models, In Proceedings ICCHP 2012, 09.-19.07.2012, Linz/Austria, Springer online.
- C. Ahlrichs, M. Lawo and H. Iben, “An Abstract User Interface Framework for Mobile and Wearable Devices,” International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence, vol. 3, pp. 28-35, July/Sept. 2011.
- C. Ahlrichs, D. Kohlsdorf, M. Lawo and G. Kalkbrenner, “IT-Assist: Towards Usable Applications for Elderly People,” International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence, vol. 3, iss. 1, pp. 33–41, Jan. /Mar. 2011.
- H. Baumann and M. Lawo, “Evaluation grafischer Benutzerschnittstellen für die Kommissionierung unter Verwendung von Head Mounted Displays”, Tagungsdokumentation BAuA Workshop: Datenbrillen – Aktueller Stand von Forschung und Umsetzung sowie zukünftiger Entwicklungsrichtungen, Dortmund, June 20, 2011, S.19-22
- G. Kalkbrenner, A. Kemnade, M. Lawo, Ein System zur Beurteilung des Bewegungsverhaltens chronisch Kranker; in Eds Schreier G., Hayn D., Ammenwerth E.: Tagungsband eHealth2011, Wien, pp 203-208.
- M. Lawo, H. Iben, H. Baumann, G. Diederich, M. Kus and C. Ruthenbeck, „Sichere Wearable-Systeme zur Kommissionierung industrieller Güter sowie für Diagnose, Wartung und Reparatur, - Schlussbericht im Verbundprojekt SiWear, TZI-Bericht Nr. 59, 2011
- M. Lawo, O. Herzog, M. Boronowsky, P. Knackfuß: The Open Wearable Computing Group. IEEE Pervasive Computing 10(2): 78-81 (2011)
- M. Lawo and O. Herzog: Wearable Computing for Medical Applications – Personal Health systems for Parkinson’s Disease Patients, CEWIT 2011, Hauppauge, New York/USA, 3.11.2011
- M. Lawo, P. Kirisci, M. Modzelewski, J. O’Connor, A. Fennell, T. Fiddian, H. Gökmen, M. Klann, M. Geissler, S. Matiouk, Y. Mohamad, “Virtual User Models – Approach and first results of the VICON project”, accepted for eChallenge 2011, Florence 26.-28.9.2011.
- M. Lawo, Xin Xing, M. Boronowsky and O. Herzog: Wearable Computing in Europe – wearIT@work, Comm. of the China Computer Federation 7(8): 18-24 (2011)
- F. Pantke, S. Bosse, M. Lawo, D. Lehmhus and M. Busse, “An Artificial Intelligence Approach Towards Sensorial Materials,” in The Third International Conference on Future Computational Technologies and Applications (Future Computing 2011), Sept. 25-30, 2011, pp. 62-68.
- F. Pantke, S. Bosse, D. Lehmhus, M. Lawo and M. Busse, “Combining Simulation and Machine-Learning for Real-Time Load Identification in Sensorial Materials”. 2nd International Conference on Simulations in Bio-Science and Multiphysics (SimBio-M 2011)
- Y. Mohamad, C. Velasco, J. Pullmann, M. Lawo, P. Kirisci, “Virtual User Concept for Inclusive Design of Consumer Products and User Interfaces” , Proceedings of 2011 HCI International, 2011.
- M. Boronowsky, D. Wewetzer, M. Lawo: “WILL – a corporate driven Living Lab for innovation in the field of Ambient Assisted Working, Proceedings of the European Ambient Assisted Living Innovation Alliance Conference 2010, Malaga, Spain.
- M. Lawo, C. Ahlrichs, G. Kalkbrenner and D. Kohlsdorf, “Nutzerschnittstellen für die Zielgruppe der über 70 jährigen,” im Tagungsband 3rd International ICST Conference on Electronic Healthcare for the 21st century, Wien, Österreich, 2010, pp. 61–67.
- M. Lawo, E. Pasher, O. Herzog, „Wearable Computers and Organizational Change- A Study“ In Proc. Of The International Conference on Ambient Systems Networks and Technologies, Paris, France, pp 230-237.
- E. Pasher, Z. Popper, H. Raz and M. Lawo, “WearIT@work: a wearable computing solution for knowledge-based development,” International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, vol. 1, iss. 4, pp. 346–360, 2010.
- K. Walters, L. Seungyon, T. Starner, R. Leibrandt, M. Lawo, “Touchfire: Towards a glove-mounted tactile display for rendering temperature readings for firefighters,” Wearable Computers (ISWC), 2010 International Symposium on , pp.1-4, 10-13 Oct. 2010
- D. Kohlsdorf, C. Ahlrichs and M. Lawo, “IT-Assist: Digital Media for elderly people,” in 3rd European Conference on Ambient Intelligence, Salzburg, Austria, Nov. 18-21, 2009,
- M. Lawo, “Intelligente Kleidung alarmiert den Arzt: Tragbare IT-Assistenten sollen chronisch Kranken ein sicheres Leben in vertrauter Umgebung ermöglichen,” Digital Dental News, vol. 3, pp. 34–38, June 2009.
- M. Lawo, A. Papadopoulous, F. Ciancitto, R. L. Dellaca’, G. Munaro, R. Rosso: An open, ubiquitous and adaptive chronic disease management platform, In Proceedings of 2009 6th International Workshop on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health (pHealth 2009), pp 69-72.
- M. Lawo, H. Langer, D. Lehmhus, M. Busse, A. Burblies, W. Lang: Simulation techniques for the description of smart structures and sensorial material, Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry 9(2009) 143-148.
- M. Lawo, O. Herzog, “Verbesserung von Wertschöpfungsprozessen durch Wearable Computing,” in 8. Paderborner Workshop Augmented & Virtual Reality in der Produktentstehung, J. Gausemeier and M. Grafe, Eds., vol. 252, Paderborn, May 28-29, 2009, pp. 3–16.
- M. Lawo and O. Herzog, “Welchen Einfluß hat das Mobile und Wearable Computing auf die Informationstechnologie? Ergebnisse aus fünf Jahren Forschung zum Thema Wearable Computing,” in Wireless Communication and Information, J. Sieck and A. Herzog, Eds, pp. 113-126.
- M. Lawo, O. Herzog, M. Boronowsky, P. Knackfuß: Empower Mobile Workspaces by Wireless Networks and Wearable Computing. NEW2AN 2009: 66-76
- R. Pezzlo, E. Pasher and M. Lawo, (Eds.) Intelligent Clothing: Empowering the Mobile Worker by Wearable Computing, Berlin: Aka / IOS Press, 2009
- K. Weaver, H. Baumann, T. Starner, H. Iben, M. Lawo: An empirical task analysis of warehouse order picking using head-mounted displays. CHI 2010: 1695-1704
- M. Boronowsky, O. Herzog, M. Lawo, “Wearable Computing: Information and Communication Technology Supporting Mobile Workers,” Zeitschrift it- information technology, iss. 1, pp. 30–39, 2008
- O. Herzog, M. Lawo, M. Boronowsky, H. Kenn, T. Nicolai, H. Witt and U. Glotzbach, “Mobile City Bremen - Von der Forschung zu innovativen mobilen Lösungen,” in Jürgen Sieck und Michael A. Herzog (Hrsg.): Wireless Communication and Information - New Technologies and Applications. Boizenburg: Verlag Werner Hülsbusch, 2008, pp. 9–22
- P. Knackfuß, T. Dyrks, F. Capman and M. Lawo, “Supporting First Responders by Wearable Computing Solutions - The wearIT@work Show Case,” in Pacific Telecommunications Conference 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii, Jan. 13-16, 2008
- M. Lawo, “Gesund, sicher, smart: Wohnen in Bemen,” in 5. ehome Fachmesse und Kongress für vernetztes Wohnen, Berlin, Oct. 15-17, 2008
- M. Lawo, “DEWEK 2008 - Book of Abstracts: Maintenance Support by Wearable and Mobile Computing Solutions,” in DEWEK 2008 - Book of Abstracts. Ebertstr. 96, 26 382 Wilhelmshaven, Germany: DEWI GmbH - Deutsches Windenergie-Institut, 2008, p. 174
- M. Lawo, “Steuerung “Mitdenkender” Elektroprodukte durch Wearable Computing,” in 1. Deutscher AAL Kongress, Berlin, Jan. 30-Feb. 1, 2008, pp. 15–19
- M. Lawo, “Sensorsysteme zur Kontexterkennung im Wearable Computing,” in 5. GMM-Workshop: Mikrosensorik mit autarker Energieversorgung und drahtloser Signalübertragung, ser. GMM-Fachbericht, vol. 58, Düsseldorf, Nov. 12-13, 2008,
- M. Lawo, H. Witt, P. Lukowicz and O. Herzog, “Using Wearable Computing Solutions in Real-World Applications,” in CHI 2008, Florenz, Italien, Apr. 5-10, 2008
- M. Lawo, M. Boronowsky and O. Herzog, “Wearable Computing, the European plan wearIT@work,” in 20th World Computing Congress, Mailand, Italien, Sept. 7-10, 2008
- M. Lawo, O. Herzog, H. Langer and J. D. Gehrke, “Intelligent Objects at Work and in Everyday Life,” in 7. Internationales Heinz Nixdorf Symposium. Self-optimizing Mechatronic Systems: Design the Future, J. Gausemeier, F. Rammig and W. Schäfer, Eds., Paderborn, Germany, Feb. 20-21, 2008, pp. 487–499
- M. Lawo, O. Herzog, P. Lukowicz, H. Witt: Using wearable computing solutions in real-world applications. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 3687-3692.
- D. Tondini and M. Lawo, “Exploiting Research Results in Practice,” in ICE 2008, Lissabon, Portugal, June 23-25, 2008
- H. Witt, M. Lawo and M. Drugge, “Visual Feedback and Different Frames of Reference: The Impact on Gesture Interaction Techniques for Wearable Computing,” in 10th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, Amsterdam, Sept. 23-25, 2008
- M. Boronowsky, O. Herzog and M. Lawo, “Wearable Computing für Knowledge Worker - wearIT@work,” KI - Zeitschrift Künstliche Intelligenz, iss. 4, pp. 62–64, 2007.
- M. Boronowsky, O. Herzog, P. Knackfuß and M. Lawo, “WearIT@work - Empowering the Mobile Worker by Wearable Computing – the First Results,” EngineerIT, pp. 16–19, Mar. 2007
- O. Herzog, M. Boronowsky, I. Rügge, U. Glotzbach and M. Lawo, “The Future of Mobile Computing R&D Activities in the State of Bremen,” Zeitschrift Künstliche Intelligenz, vol. 17, iss. 5, pp. 495–504, 2007.
- O. Herzog, H. Kenn, M. Lawo, P. Lukowicz and T. Stiefmeier, Eds., IFAWC 4th international forum on applied wearable computing 2007, 2007.
- O. Herzog, I. Rügge, M. Lawo, “Mobile Lösungen für die Gesundheitswirtschaft,” in Dominik Groß, Eva-Maria Jakobs (Eds.): E-Health und technisierte Medizin - Neue Herausforderungen im Gesundheitswesen. LIT-Verlag, 2007, pp. 159–163.
- H. Kenn, T. Nicolai, H. Witt, S. Beauregard, M. Lawo, M. Boronowsky and O. Herzog, “Artificial Intelligence on Wearable Computers: Perspectives and Challenges,” Zeitschrift Künstliche Intelligenz, Vol 2, 2007.
- M. Kus, M. Lawo, M. Ronthaler, R. Sethmann, K. Sohr, K. Windt, “Angepasste Benutzerschnittstellen für das Wearable Computing im Projekt SiWear,” in Nomadische und “Wearable”-Benutzerschnittstellen: Entwurfs- und Evaluationsprinzipien für zukünftige Anwendungen, T. Paul-Stueve, Ed., Weimar, Sept. 2-5, 2007, pp. 133–136.
- M. Lawo, “Der unauffällige Begleiter - Tragbare IT-Systeme von morgen unterstützen die Arbeit beiläufig,” Digital Dental News, vol. 4, pp. 18–22, 2007.
- M. Lawo, “Wearable Computing - Informationen zur rechten Zeit am rechten Ort,” Industrie Management, vol. 2, pp. 21–24, 2007.
- M. Lawo, “Bridging the Standardization Gap,” in COPRAS Conference, 2007,
- M. Lawo, “WearIT@work - Towards Real Life Industrial Applications of Wearable Computing,” in 4th IFAWC, 2007
- M. Lawo, I. Rügge and O. Herzog, “Authentic User Tests in Wearable Computing Applications,” in 2nd International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology, Oulu, Finland, Dec. 11-13, 2007
- M. Lawo, M. Boronowsky, O. Herzog and P. Knackfuß, “WearIT@work - empowering by wearable computing,” EngineerIT, vol. 3, pp. 16–19, 2007.
- M. Lawo, O. Herzog, H. Witt, “Authentic User Tests in Industrial Wearable Computing Applications,” in Proceedings of HCII, July 2007.
- M. Lawo, O. Herzog, H. Witt, “An Industrial Case Study on Wearable Computing Applications” 9th ACM International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI), Singapore, 9-12th September, 2007
- P. Lukowicz, A. Timm-Giel, M. Lawo, O. Herzog: WearIT@work: Toward Real-World Industrial Wearable Computing. IEEE Pervasive Computing 6(4): 8-13 (2007)
- Otthein Herzog, Ingrid Rügge, Michael Lawo, “Mobile Lösungen für die Gesundheitswirtschaft”, Chapter in Dominik Groß, Eva-Maria Jakobs (Eds.): E-Health und technisierte Medizin - Neue Herausforderungen im Gesundheitswesen, LIT-Verlag, pp. 159-163, 2007.
Prof. Dr. hc. Michael Beetz PhD
Head of Institute
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Andrea Cowley
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