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Hendrik Iben

Research Staff

Tel: –49 -421 218 64049
Fax: –49 -421 218 64047
Room: TAB 1.81
Mail: hiben(at)cs[dot]uni-bremen[dot]de



Journal Articles and Book Chapters
[1]Ahlrichs, Claas, Lawo, Michael and Iben, Hendrik, "An Abstract User Interface Framework for Mobile and Wearable Devices", In International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence, vol. 3, pp. 28–35, 2011. [bibtex]
Conference Papers
[2]Beckmann, Ramon, Bertelsmeyer, Christian, Düselder, Erik and Iben, Hendrik, Koch, Erik and Kenn, Holger, "Wearable games as a benchmark method for wearable computing research", In 3rd International Forum on Applied Wearable Computing 2006, vol. 3, pp. 145–151, 2006. [bibtex]
[3]Cinaz, Burcu, Düselder, Erik, Iben, Hendrik and Koch, Erik and Kenn, Holger, "Wearable Games - An Approach for Defining Design Principles", In Tenth International Symposium on Wearable Computing - Student Colloquium, 2006. [bibtex]
Other Publications
[4]Lawo, Michael, Iben, Hendrik, Baumann, Hannes, Diederich, Günther, Kus, Mehmet and Ruthenbeck, Carmen, "Sichere Wearable-Systeme zur Kommisionierung industrieller Güter sowie für Diagnose, Wartung und Repratur - Schlussbericht im Verbundprojekt SiWear: TZI-Bericht Nr. 59", Technical report, , 2011. [bibtex]

Prof. Dr. hc. Michael Beetz PhD
Head of Institute

Contact via
Andrea Cowley
assistant to Prof. Beetz

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