Table of Contents

Homework: ROS packages for plan-based robot control


Please install the base ROS system according to the guide found here.

Getting Started

The beginner ROS tutorials given here cover the basic concepts for communication and the overall structure of a ROS program. Therefore, it is advisable to read them and try out the lessons shown there.

A familiarity with the rosbuild system and writing ROS nodes in C++ and/or Python is mandatory and important for the assignments during the seminar.

The following topics are especially important:

Workspace Setup

We have created a git repository for the code that you will develop. You can find it at and add it to your ROS workspace with

rosws set group_highlevel --git
rosws update
source ~/.bashrc


To successfully pass this assignment, you must write a ROS node that communicates with a TurtleSim simulation and sends target poses to it.

This includes doing the following:

To change the background color, inspect the /clear ROS service. The parameters can be set using the

(roslisp:set-param key value)

call. Afterwards, you have to call the /clear service. You can do this in Lisp using the roslisp call-service function:

(roslisp:call-service service type)

with respective service-name and -type.

Document the code you write (preferably in the GitHub Wiki) and add documentation strings to the implemented funtions.

For details concerning the TurtleSim package, consult the manual: TurtleSim manual page. For details about the assignment, look at the file also shown in the GitHub main page for the repository:

Side Notes

In order to get a better understanding of Lisp (and for reference purposes), the following links can support you while getting the grips of it: