Table of Contents

Setting up our Simulation Environment

The gazebo simulator included in ROS is very powerful but also computionally demanding. To improve the performance on our systems we will use a lightweight setup for our tutorial.

A new package

In our manipulation-repo, create a new ROS package called iai_seminar_manipulation_environment. If you forgot how to create a pkg, peek here.

Remove the mainpage.dox as we won't use it. Instead you will document your packages on your wikipage. So, add a link to your wiki page in the manifest-file of the package.

Make a first local commit to your git-repo. In general, we recommend you to commit locally very often. A good rule of thumb is to have one commit per feature. From now on, you have to decide yourself, when to make a commit.

Also, please do not commit files that have been generated or built, i.e. anything from the directories bin or build or msg_gen etc, because these will be regenerated with every new compilation.

Setting up an empty world

We will copy parts of the standard (but extensive) gazebo setup to start our empty world.

And in the third step, he created a robot

We will now cherry-pick various launch-files to create simluations of all necessary processes of the PR2:

Putting it all together

Where we combine our launch-files into one for easier access.

Hint: Now might be a good time push all our commits to github.