Table of Contents

Homework: ROS packages for manipulation


Please install the system according to the instructions here:

Getting Started

Before you start workin on the assignment, make sure you have completed the 'beginner level' tutorials from

Please note, that we expect you to be familiar with at least the rosbuild/c++ versions of the tutorials.

Workspace Setup

We have created a git repository for the code that you will develop. You can find it at and add it to your ROS workspace with

rosws set group_manipulation --git
rosws update
source ~/.bashrc


Setting up our Simulation Environment

We will use a customized lightweight gazebo setup to develop and test our code in simulation. In this step of the assignment you are supposed to familiarize yourself with basic ros dependencies and launch-files. Proceed here.

Using standard ROS arm navigation

As a first-step, you will use the standard ROS arm navigation functionalities to move the arms of the PR2. You will write and compile your first node, use action interfaces, and load parameters from the parameter server. At the end, you will see how both launch-files and parameters are powerful tools to help you re-use code and save time. The instructions can be found here.

Implementing our own Joint Space Controller

Finally, we will get our hands dirty implementing a realtime-safe controller. As a first example we will implement a simple joint space controller. You will visit a lot of useful ROS functionalities and software engineering principles on the way. Get started here.

Implementing our own Cartesian Space Controller

Cut for time reasons.