====== Setting up the docker environment ====== Start with downloading the EuRoC project archive from [[https://toychest.ai.uni-bremen.de/wiki/_media/tmp:euroc.tar.gz|here]]. Extract it in your home folder. tar -xvf euroc.tar.gz Create an alias for the dockuro script in your .bashrc echo "alias dockuro=~/euroc/euroc_launch/docker/dockuro" >> ~/.bashrc && . ~/.bashrc Initialize your containers with: dockuro init **NOTE:** If you have an nvidia or ATI graphics card, create a new Docker image that has **exactly the same driver** installed as your system. cp ~/euroc/euroc_launch/docker/euroc-suturo-custom/Dockerfile.template ~/euroc/euroc_launch/docker/euroc-suturo-custom/Dockerfile Modify the newly created Dockerfile so that it installs your drivers(examples can be found commented in the template). Build your new image(name **is important**): docker build -t suturo/euroc-suturo-custom . Set a flag to signal the system the use of a custom docker image export EUROC_CUSTOM_CONT=true Launch the docker container: dockuro **All of the following commands are supposed to be executed within docker!!** Before you can start hacking, you need to compile the catkin workspace that comes with the docker image cd ~/catkin_ws catkin_make To start the experiment run: /opt/euroc_c2s1/start_euroc_task_selector In another terminal run dockuro again and start the simulator by running(copy paste both lines together): rosservice call /euroc_c2_task_selector/start_simulator "user_id: '' scene_name: 'task1_v1'" Publish the joint states of the robot: roslaunch suturo_manipulation_moveit publish_joint_state.launch Start a node to publish point clouds: roslaunch pointcloud_publisher run_pointcloud_publisher.launch Use rviz to check the camera data and the tf tree. All set. Enjoy!