** Windows PC:** ====== Starting Unreal ====== * Start unreal project sherpa - Unreal version 4.13 - filename `Sherpa.uproject` * Make sure the map LandscapeMap_Robots is loaded (usually set as default map) * Add the ROS IP to the ros manager: * World Outliner -> Managers -> RROSCommManager -> Rpc URL (currently * Hit play, enjoy! ** Linux PC: ** ====== Starting openEASE ====== $ ... ====== Starting Unreal Bridge ====== $ rosrun UE_Unreal_bridge ... ====== Starting RoboSherlock ====== Check the IP for the unreal bridge in ''robosherlock_demos/config/config_unreal_bridge.ini'' and make sure it is set to the IP of the machine running Unreal. roslaunch robosherlock_demos rs_sherpa.launch ====== Starting CRAM ====== $ rosrun cram_sherpa_donkey donkey $ rosrun cram_sherpa_hawk hawk $ rosrun cram_sherpa_red_wasp red_wasp $ rosrun cram_sherpa_blue_wasp blue_wasp ====== Starting HMI ====== $ roslaunch hmi_interpreter speechToText.launch $ rosrun hmi_cram hmi-main $ rosrun hmi_cram proactive-main