=== Getting CRAM to Run on Your System === * If you don't have the latest version of ROS, install it! sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu SYSTEM main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list' where ''SYSTEM'' is the name of your system, e.g. ''precise'' wget http://packages.ros.org/ros.key -O - | sudo apt-key add - sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-desktop sudo apt-get install python-rosinstall sudo apt-get install python-wstool sudo rosdep init rosdep update For troubleshooting use [[http://wiki.ros.org/hydro/Installation/Ubuntu]] * Set up your ROS environment. Until all the CRAM packages get catkinized, you will need both catkin and rosbuild workspaces (need more details: check [[software:cram:install:environment|here]]). * Go to your catkin workspace and use wstool to pull roslisp related packages from GIT: roslisp_common, roslisp_repl cd ~/workspace/catkin/src wstool init wstool set roslisp_NAME --git https://github.com/ros/roslisp_NAME.git where NAME: common, repl wstool update rospack profile * Catkin_make all the packages cd .. catkin_make * Install the packages with rosdep rosdep install roslisp_common rosdep install roslisp_repl * Make sure rosdep installed the debian packages sbcl, rosemacs-el and slime for you sudo apt-get install PACK where PACK: ''sbcl, rosemacs-el, slime'' * Go to your rosbuild workspace and use wstool to pull CRAM stacks from GIT: cram_core, cram_highlevel, cram_physics, cram_pr2, cram_gazebo cd ~/workspace/rosbuild wstool set cram_NAME --git https://github.com/cram-code/cram_NAME.git wstool update rospack profile source setup.bash where NAME: ''core, highlevel, physics, pr2, gazebo'' * Rosmake and install all the CRAM packages roscd cram_NAME rosmake rosdep install cram_NAME * Before you open emacs you might want to configure it, at least set up the clipboard properly to enable copy/paste from/to other apps. Some useful stuff can be found in [[https://github.com/moesenle/emacs-config/blob/master/init.el|this config]] from github. * Open your emacs and enjoy the repl animation ;) rosrun roslisp_repl roslisp_repl & * Compile CRAM packages you need in Lisp , r-l-s cram_NAME RET where NAME is e.g. ''language''. * Read [[http://www.paulgraham.com/onlisptext.html|The Book]]