Flexible Mass Customisation: Managing Its Information Logistics Using Adaptive Co-operative Multiagent Systems (bibtex)
by Timm, Ingo J., Woelk, Peer-Oliver, Knirsch, Peter, Toenshoff, Hans Kurt and Herzog, Otthein
The recent growth of customer' demand as well as the increasing degree of inter-enterprise cooperation are leading to huge problems especially for small and medium sized enterprises (SME). Conventional enterprise resource planning systems or supply chain management systems do not seem to provide enough flexibility for the new requirements of this changing market. Multiagent systems as a leading edge technology provide suitable means to overcome conventional drawbacks. This paper presents an innovative and flexible way of handling mass customisation and the corresponding information logistics: the application of adaptive co-operative multiagent systems to the partial automatic management of inter-business relations.
Timm, Ingo J., Woelk, Peer-Oliver, Knirsch, Peter, Toenshoff, Hans Kurt and Herzog, Otthein, "Flexible Mass Customisation: Managing Its Information Logistics Using Adaptive Co-operative Multiagent Systems", In Logistics and the Digital Economy. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Logistics, Salzburg, Austria, pp. 227–232, 2001.
Bibtex Entry:
abstract = {The recent growth of customer' demand as well as the increasing degree of inter-enterprise cooperation are leading to huge problems especially for small and medium sized enterprises (SME). Conventional enterprise resource planning systems or supply chain management systems do not seem to provide enough flexibility for the new requirements of this changing market. Multiagent systems as a leading edge technology provide suitable means to overcome conventional drawbacks. This paper presents an innovative and flexible way of handling mass customisation and the corresponding information logistics: the application of adaptive co-operative multiagent systems to the partial automatic management of inter-business relations.},
address = {Salzburg, Austria},
author = {Timm, Ingo J. and Woelk, Peer-Oliver and Knirsch, Peter and Toenshoff, Hans Kurt and Herzog, Otthein},
booktitle = {Logistics and the Digital Economy. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Logistics},
editor = {Butala, P and Ueda, K},
pages = {227--232},
title = {{Flexible Mass Customisation: Managing Its Information Logistics Using Adaptive Co-operative Multiagent Systems}},
url = {http://www-agki.tzi.de/grp/ag-ki/download/2001/timm\{\_\}etal\{\_\}isl01\{\_\}paper.pdf},
year = {2001},
keywords = {ISPL}
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