Detection and Classification of Gateways for the Acquisition of Structured Robot Maps (bibtex)
by D. Schröter, T. Weber, M. Beetz and B. Radig
The automatic acquisition of structured object maps requires sophisticated perceptual mechanisms that enable the robot to recognize the objects that are to be stored in the robot map. This paper investigates a particular object recognition problem: the automatic detection and classification of gateways in office environments based on laser range data. We will propose, discuss, and empirically evaluate a sensor model for crossing gateways and different approaches to gateway classification including simple maximum classifiers and HMM-based classification of observation sequences.
D. Schröter, T. Weber, M. Beetz and B. Radig, "Detection and Classification of Gateways for the Acquisition of Structured Robot Maps", In Proc. of 26th Pattern Recognition Symposium (DAGM), Tübingen/Germany, 2004.
Bibtex Entry:
@InProceedings{ SchroeterDagm04DetectClassGW,
author = {D. Schr{\"o}ter and T. Weber and M. Beetz and B. Radig},
title = {{Detection and Classification of Gateways for the Acquisition of Structured Robot Maps}},
booktitle = {Proc. of 26th Pattern Recognition Symposium (DAGM), T\"ubingen/Germany},
year = {2004},
abstract = {{The automatic acquisition of structured object maps
requires sophisticated perceptual mechanisms that enable the robot
to recognize the objects that are to be stored in the robot map.
This paper investigates a particular object recognition problem:
the automatic detection and classification of gateways in office
environments based on laser range data. We will propose, discuss,
and empirically evaluate a sensor model for crossing gateways and
different approaches to gateway classification including simple
maximum classifiers and HMM-based classification
of observation sequences.}},
bib2html_pubtype  = {Refereed Conference Paper},
bib2html_rescat   = {Robot Mapping},
bib2html_groups   = {IAS,EvI},
bib2html_funding  = {EvI},
bib2html_keywords = {Environment Mapping},
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