AVAnTA - Automatische Video Analyse und textuelle Annotation (bibtex)
by Miene, Andrea and Herzog, Otthein
The goal of the AVAnTA project is to investigate and develop new methods for a syntactical and semantic analysis of video sequences, which are used to annotate these digital documents and build the basis for a content based retrieval. An annotation is a textual description of the documents contents. In case of digital video documents the annotation contains syntactical information concerning the cut pattern and camera movement as well as information concerning the contents of the video. The manual annotation effort for an archivist is up to eight hours for a one hour video. Using the methods developed within the first phase of the AVAnTA project this effort can be reduced by one third; Mainly by use of syntactical analysis methods the archivist is relieved from routine tasks. (full paper in german only)
Miene, Andrea and Herzog, Otthein, "AVAnTA - Automatische Video Analyse und textuelle Annotation", In it + ti Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik, vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 24–27, 2000.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Miene, Andrea and Herzog, Otthein},
  title = {AVAnTA - Automatische Video Analyse und textuelle Annotation},
  journal = {it + ti Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik},
  year = {2000},
  volume = {42},
  pages = {24--27},
  number = {6},
  abstract = {The goal of the AVAnTA project is to investigate and develop new methods
	for a syntactical and semantic analysis of video sequences, which
	are used to annotate these digital documents and build the basis
	for a content based retrieval. An annotation is a textual description
	of the documents contents. In case of digital video documents the
	annotation contains syntactical information concerning the cut pattern
	and camera movement as well as information concerning the contents
	of the video. The manual annotation effort for an archivist is up
	to eight hours for a one hour video. Using the methods developed
	within the first phase of the AVAnTA project this effort can be reduced
	by one third; Mainly by use of syntactical analysis methods the archivist
	is relieved from routine tasks. (full paper in german only)},
  owner = {pmania},
  timestamp = {2012.11.06},
  url = {http://www-agki.tzi.de/grp/ag-ki/download/2000/mieneherzog00.pdf}
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