Managing Evolving Workflow Specifications (bibtex)
by Joeris, Gregor and Herzog, Otthein
Dynamic evolution of workflow models due to process (re)engineering activities and dynamic changing situations of the real process is one of the most important challenges in workflow management. In this paper, we present an approach for the management of evolving workflow specifications which copes with the evolution of a workflow schema and the dynamic modification of workflow instances. The approach is based on the integrated modeling of workflow schema and instance elements, the separated definition of "what to do" and "how to do" in the workflow schema, late binding of workflows at run-time, and the versioning of the workflow schema. On this basis, we support lazy, eager, and selective propagation as well as local customization of instances and their upward propagation. Furthermore, we address the problem of managing consistent configurations of the versioned entities of a workflow schema. In our workflow-specific versioning approach, the consistency of the workflow configuration is guaranteed and hence the version mechanism is transparent to the user.
Joeris, Gregor and Herzog, Otthein, "Managing Evolving Workflow Specifications", In CoopIS98, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 310–319, 1998.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Joeris, Gregor and Herzog, Otthein},
  title = {Managing Evolving Workflow Specifications},
  booktitle = {CoopIS98},
  year = {1998},
  pages = {310--319},
  month = {August20--22},
  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  abstract = {Dynamic evolution of workflow models due to process (re)engineering
	activities and dynamic changing situations of the real process is
	one of the most important challenges in workflow management. In this
	paper, we present an approach for the management of evolving workflow
	specifications which copes with the evolution of a workflow schema
	and the dynamic modification of workflow instances. The approach
	is based on the integrated modeling of workflow schema and instance
	elements, the separated definition of {"}what to do{"} and {"}how
	to do{"} in the workflow schema, late binding of workflows at run-time,
	and the versioning of the workflow schema. On this basis, we support
	lazy, eager, and selective propagation as well as local customization
	of instances and their upward propagation. Furthermore, we address
	the problem of managing consistent configurations of the versioned
	entities of a workflow schema. In our workflow-specific versioning
	approach, the consistency of the workflow configuration is guaranteed
	and hence the version mechanism is transparent to the user.},
  doi = {10.1109/COOPIS.1998.706275},
  isbn = {0-8186-8380-5},
  owner = {pmania},
  timestamp = {2012.11.06},
  url = {}
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