Dynamical and distributed process management based on agent technology (bibtex)
by Joeris, Gregor, Klauck, Christoph and Herzog, Otthein
Joeris, Gregor, Klauck, Christoph and Herzog, Otthein, "Dynamical and distributed process management based on agent technology", In Proceedings of the sixth Scandinavian conference on Artificial intelligence, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, pp. 187–198, 1998.
Bibtex Entry:
address = {Helsinki, Finland},
author = {Joeris, Gregor and Klauck, Christoph and Herzog, Otthein},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the sixth Scandinavian conference on Artificial intelligence},
editor = {Grahne, G},
isbn = {90-5199-354-4},
pages = {187--198},
publisher = {University of Helsinki},
title = {{Dynamical and distributed process management based on agent technology}},
year = {1998},
keywords = {ISPL}
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