Conflict Resolution in Distributed Assessment Situations (bibtex)
by Hollmann, Oliver, Ranze, K. Christoph and Müller, H.J. and Herzog, Otthein
Hollmann, Oliver, Ranze, K. Christoph and Müller, H.J. and Herzog, Otthein, "Conflict Resolution in Distributed Assessment Situations", Chapter in Computational Conflicts, Springer, pp. 181–201, 2000.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Hollmann, Oliver and Ranze, K. Christoph and M{\"u}ller, H.J. and
	Herzog, Otthein},
  title = {Conflict Resolution in Distributed Assessment Situations},
  booktitle = {Computational Conflicts},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year = {2000},
  pages = {181--201},
  owner = {pmania},
  timestamp = {2012.11.06}
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