Wearable Computing für die Industrie (bibtex)
by Boronowsky, Michael, Herzog, Otthein and Rügge, Ingrid
Boronowsky, Michael, Herzog, Otthein and Rügge, Ingrid, "Wearable Computing für die Industrie", In Industrie Management, vol. 06, 2003.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Boronowsky, Michael and Herzog, Otthein and R{\"u}gge, Ingrid},
  title = {Wearable Computing f{\"u}r die Industrie},
  journal = {Industrie Management},
  year = {2003},
  volume = {06},
  owner = {pmania},
  timestamp = {2012.11.06},
  url = {http://www.tzi.de/~ruegge/PDF-Dateien/IM{\_}IR.etal{\_}1.10.03{\_}komplett.pdf}
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