OpenEASE and RoboSherlock @ AAMAS 2015 in Istanbul

openEASE the web-based knowledge service for robots will be presented for the first time at AAMAS. The workshop paper will summarize the way in which the robots and robotics researchers can benefit on openEASE's knowledge processing mechanisms. The full paper will present an approach on how to design control programs able to deal with vague action and object descriptions while monitoring unexpected events and reacting to them.

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RoboSherlock is at AAMAS for the first time. It is a cognitive perception system build on top of the principles of unstructured management information architecture. The full paper will present an approach on how to enable robotic perception systems to better deal with the variations of appearances and perceptual properties that real-world objects exhibit and how to perceive the affordances of the variety of perceptual tasks they have to perform. The workshop paper will present how RoboSherlock interacts with Open EASE and boosts the perception capabilities of a robotic agent performing household chores.

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