=====Jeroen Schäfer====== | {{wiki:schaefer2024.jpg?0x180}} |||| |:::|Research Staff\\ \\ || |:::|Room: |0.34a| |:::|Tel: |+49 421 218 64022| |:::|Mobile: |+49 151 61130283| |:::|Fax: |+49 421 218 64047| |:::|Mail: |jeroen.schaefer@uni-bremen.de| |:::|Github Logo LinkedIn: Jeroen Schäfer| |:::| || ===== Projects ===== * [[https://ease-crc.org/|EASE CRC]] (DFG): Subproject F "Laboratory Infrastructure Support" ===== Teaching ===== * Tutor in Integrated Intelligent Systems (WS2021/22, [[https://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/le-iis-ws22|WS2022/23]], [[https://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/le-iis-ws23|WS2023/24]], WS2024/25) ===== Supervised Theses ===== * 'Integration of Grasping Into a Constraint-Based Whole-Body Controller' (Master Thesis, 2022) * 'Creation of a Generalized Motion Database for Bimanual Robot Manipulations Using Pre-labeled Monocular Video Data' (Master Thesis, 2024)