~~NOTOC~~ =====Gayane Kazhoyan====== | {{:wiki:gkazhoyan.jpg?0x180}} |||| |::: ||Research Staff\\ \\ || |:::|Room: | - | |:::|Tel: | - | |:::|Fax: |+49 421 218 64047| |:::|Mail: |kazhoyan@cs.uni-bremen.de| |:::| || Gayane (shortly Gaya) is a research associate at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence at the University of Bremen, lead by Michael Beetz. Her research focus is on task-level robot control and plan executives. She has more than 10 years of experience in mobile manipulation with physical robots such as the PR2, TIAGo, HSR, TurtleBot, LWR, UR and a multitude of simulated robots. The main application areas are everyday actions in a household as well as mobile pick and place in retail and assembly. In 2021 Gayane was an intern at Intrinsic, the robotics spin-off of Google. In 2019 she was a visiting researcher at the LIS group at MIT. Prior to joining Michael Beetz's group in November 2013, she worked for one year as a researcher at Kastanienbaum GmbH, now Franka Emika, led by Sami Haddadin, in tight collaboration with the Robotics and Mechatronics Center of DLR. Gayane has a M.Sc. degree in Informatics with a major in AI and Robotics from the Technical University of Munich and a B.Eng. degree in Informatics with a major in Information Security from the State Engineering University of Armenia. ====== Projects ====== * [[https://ease-crc.org|EASE]] DFG CRC: Developing the plan executive for performing mobile pick and place actions in household environments.

* [[http://www.refills-project.eu/|REFILLS]] EU project: Developed the plan executive for performing mobile pick and place actions in retail environments.
* [[https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/106964_en.html|SHERPA]] EU project: Developed the plan executive for multiple robots and their commander module in the outdoor rescue context.

* [[https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/102157_en.html|RoboHow]] EU project: Developed the plan executive for performing everyday actions based on action instructions from the Internet.

====== Software projects ====== Current main developer and maintainer of cognition-enabled plan executive [[http://cram-system.org|CRAM]]. ====== Teaching ====== * Co-lecturer and co-tutor for Integrated Intelligent Systems (WS2020/21) * Co-lecturer and co-tutor for Integrated Intelligent Systems ([[https://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/le-iis-ws19|WS2019/20]]) * Co-supervisor for master project Suturo, co-supervisor of RoboCup@Home German Open ([[https://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/pr-suturo-ws18|WS2018/19, SS2019]]) * Lecturer for Robot Programming with Lisp ([[https://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/cs-lisp-ws18|WS2018/19]]) * Co-supervisor for bachelor project Suturo ([[https://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/pr-suturo-ws17|WS2017/18, SS2018]]) * Lecturer and co-tutor for Robot Programming with Lisp ([[https://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/cs-lisp-ws17|WS2017/18]]) * Co-supervisor for master project Suturo ([[https://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/pr-suturo-ws16|SS2017]]) * Moderator and co-lecturer for seminar Empirical Methods for Artificial Intelligence ([[https://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/empirical_ss17|SS2017]]) * Co-lecturer and tutor for Robot Programming with Lisp ([[https://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/cs-lisp-ss16|SS2016]]) * Lecturer and tutor for Robot Programming with Lisp ([[https://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/cs-lisp-ws15|WS2015/16]]) * Lecturer and tutor for Robot Programming with Lisp ([[https://ai.uni-bremen.de/teaching/cs-lisp-ws14|WS2014/15]]) * Tutor for Praktische Informatik II (SS2014) ====== Supervised Thesis ====== * Master's Thesis of Christopher Pollok "PyCRAM -- Enabling Robot Behavior Adaptation through Introspection, Prospection-based Reasoning and Action Reordering using Task Trees" (2021) * Master's Thesis of Alina Hawkin "Teaching robots manipulation skills with human-controlled robot bodies -- Spend a day in Virtual Reality inside a robot's body" (2020) * Master's Thesis of Arthur Niedzwiecki "Tactile-Based and Cognition-Enabled Manipulation for Real World Assembly Tasks" (2020) * Bachelor's Thesis of Thomas Lipps "Robots learning geometric groundings of object arrangements for household tasks from virtual reality demonstrations" (2020) * Bachelor's Thesis of Jonas Dech "PyCRAM – Accurate Physics-based Environment for Executing Mobile Pick and Place Plans" (2020) * Bachelor's Thesis of Vanessa Hassouna "Towards robotic agents executing underdetermined action descriptions of cutting and pouring" (2019) * Bachelor's Thesis of Andy Augsten and Dustin Augsten "PyCRAM – Python-based concurrent reactive programming language for autonomous mobile manipulation" (2019) * Bachelor's Thesis of Alina Hawkin "Towards Robots Executing Observed Manipulation Activities of Humans" (2018) * Bachelor's Thesis of Arthur Niedzwiecki "Plan Transformation for Autonomous Real-World Pick and Place Tasks" (2018) * Bachelor's Thesis of Andreas Romero Frueh "Konsistenzprüfung für robotische Wahrnehmung auf Basis von Simulation und logischer Schlussfolgerung" (2015) ====== Supervised Student Assistants ====== * Alina Hawkin, May 2018 - March 2021 * Amar Fayaz, February 2019 - September 2019, March 2020 - February 2021 * Thomas Lipps, March 2019 - January 2021 * Jonas Dech, February 2019 - January 2021 * Vanessa H., October 2018 - March 2020 * Christopher Pollok, July 2017 - September 2020 * Arthur Niedzwiecki, July 2017 - September 2020 ====== Supervised Student Projects ====== * RoboCup@Home German Open 2019 * Independent study on mapping with Turtlebot SS2016 * GSoC 2015 and GSoC 2014 ====== Publications ====== bibfiles/allpublications.bib kazhoyan